Is this picture a copyright issue?


This week we are learning all about Copyright and fair use. One of the tasks that I needed to do to is to add some pictures to the blog this week. Now I have seen other's with some pretty amazing picture and/or gifs. Now I am not that talented, but I am going to practice and get better. I plan on using more pictures in my blogs to liven up the post. 

Some may ask, "Kaden is this picture a Copy right infringement?" This is not a copy right infringement. I have found this particular picture from a copy right free website. Did you know that was a thing?! I didn't either! So for this blog I am going to reflect on what I learned from this weeks lessons. To start it is interesting on how many people actually have copy right issues and just don't realize they have made the mistake. I agree with what Dr. Lindbeck said in her lecture, "Most people are not doing it on purpose, they just don't have the information or not properly educated on the laws." Now we got to keep in mind there is a difference between copy right and plagiarism. Most people see "plagiarism" in academic settings, however this can happen with business's and every day life work.  This is important, because people cannot just willy nilly share and distribute company items without permission. 

What is the difference. Plagiarism is the intention and completion of submitting someone else's work as your own with out giving credit to the owner.  Copyright is using a form of information and giving credit, but distributing the information without permission or to places that do not have permission to use the information. 

Now that brings me to my next point. What about fair use?

Fair use is not just something we can use whenever and however we want. We have to follow guidelines on what makes it fair use. From an article from Columbia university, There are 4 factors to take into account  when using fair use:

1. The purpose or character of the use. In short you cannot use other's work to gain profit from.

2. The Nature of the copyrighted work. This protects companies and the owners of the work to allow circumstance for the work to be used.

3. The Amount of Substantiality of the portion used. this helps with people not being allowed to use all of someone's work, however sets a limit to how much can be used 

4. The effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the work. This one set for purchasing the right to use the information.

Overall, Copy right and fair use can be really confusing. I am sure at some point I have unknowing ling had broke copy right rules. With that being said This lesson has taught me to be more vigilant on how I use information, media, and other's work. 


  1. Hello Kaden,
    Your post did a good job of catching the readers attention. The image was cute. You referenced whether your image was or was not copyrighted. You also described the difference between plagiarism and copyright which can be confusing to people. I also liked the fact that you described fair use.
    I think it is fair to point out that copyright is one word not two. I wonder if it would have been helpful to the reader to provide more information on copyright. You had mentioned “Copyright is using a form of information and giving credit, but distributing the information without permission or to places that do not have permission to use the information.” However, I think it is important for the reader to understand a creation is automatically covered under copyright laws once applied to a medium. I feel this is important because a lot of people assume that it is not copyrighted unless someone says it is but the reality is that the reader needs to assume it is copyright protected unless someone says it is not.
    Your referenced that the image was copyright free. However, I am not sure it is. When you go to the link underneath the pic it says:

    The circled symbol is a copyright symbol. If you click the “Attribution-ShareAlike” link it will actually take you to a creative commons license. This image is not copyright free but you have the authors permission to use it but you need to credit the photographer. Talking about creative commons license is helpful to readers to understand also.

    1. It seems my screen shot does not post in comments but if you click the image link it will take you to the information right below the image.

    2. Also showing how confusing all of this can be!! thank you for pointing that out.


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